torsdag 23 april 2015

Bend it like beckham

Exercise B 

1. Pinky blames Jess because her weeding is cancelled. She tells her parents that Jess has started playing football. They are very angry and tell her she have to stop playing football.

2. Jules likes Joe. In Germany, Joe and Jess kiss. Jules sees this and is upset and jealous. Jess' visits Julis house and they have an argument.

3. Pinky is very angry that her weeding is cancelled. She persuades Teetu, her boyfriend, to talk with parents. Teetu's parents and Bhamras arrange for the weeding to continue. Unfortunately, the weeding date is the same day as Jess' final football match.

Exercise C

Joe means that Jess' is suppose to choose her own decisions.

Exercise D

1. Because Babaji is in there religion.
2. Bored and sad, because she wasn't aloud to play the football finally.
3. Because he want Jess' to play the final football match.
4. Because Mr Bhamra know how it feels to doesn't gonna play and she is very sad and if she play she be happy.
5. He ask them if they want to play in the best university football team.
6. He take the job to train the woman's football team.

Exercise E

1. Jess and Jules go to the American offer and play in the university team.
2. She give jules a football t-shirt.
3. They kissed and say goodbye.
4. They be friends.
5. They play cricket.

Exercise F

She want to play football and be really good at it. And do what she wants to do.

tisdag 14 april 2015

Syslöjd - Brodering

Jag har gjort en liten björn som jag har broderat. Jag började med att jag valde ett motiv sedan ritade jag av den på ett broderityg. Och då hade jag ett rött papper imellan så att det blev rött på tyget. Därefter så började jag brodera kanterna där det skulle vara olika färger. Efter det så började jag fylla i inuti dom olika områden exempelvis skorna, byxorna mm på björnen. Sedan gjorde jag öga och en mun. Och då var jag färdig med björnen, men innan den va helt färdig så strök jag på en grej på baksidan och ramade in den. Och då var jag färdig!